Dune Ducts

This installation exploits the effects of imaging to reshuffle landscape, environment, and building systems. A ductscape acts as a prosthetic device for a gallery’s HVAC system. A reshuffling of conventional MEP equipment inserts a vision of air as reflected landscape, amplifying existing systems for tempering and conditioning the architectural exhibition venue.

Perloff Gallery, UCLA AUD, Los Angeles

Dune Ducts draws on desert scenery as already commodified landscapes—widely distributed images of nature that serve as a backdrop to common computing platforms. The image of a duct-as-dune interprets the ceiling as an environment full of labor, design, and perhaps delight, or, at the very least, comfort. It considers the overhead site as a productive plenum for architectural positions.

Dune Ducts is presented as half of Superposition, a joint exhibition with Katy Barkan installed in the gallery at Perloff Hall in the Department of Architecture and Urban Design at UCLA. The joint exhibitions share an interest in the threshold between architectural objects and their spatial corollaries, skirting a clear boundary between the production of things and the production of environments. Superposition, as a model of working, does not attempt to resolve or reconcile. Rather, it serves as a counterpoint to the paradigms of synthesis and juxtaposition. The overlay of multiple categories of work and multiple authors allows for errors, transpositions, and irresoluble differences.

Photos by Joshua White

Fall 2019